Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Top 10 Proven Ways To Help Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat

Belly or visceral fat is the basic cause of various diseases and affects your personality badly. The best solution to remove stubborn belly fat is Winstrol UK which has been approved by health and fitness experts. Belly fat is associated with metabolic syndrome, heart diseases, type 2 diabetes and many other things. Researchers also found that such fat tissue produces hormone which is responsible for extreme hunger. In this article you will find 10 proven ways to help reduce stubborn belly fat effectively.

1.    Everyday Exercise

Reducing abdominal fat needs more than mere cutting calories. Everyday exercise is an effective way to get rid or maintain belly fat. Routine exercise can minimize the inflammation in belly fat without changing in your diet. Exercise is also an effective way to prevent regaining abdominal fat.

What to do?

There are number of moderate aerobic activities you can enjoy like walking, running, cycling, swimming, climbing etc. If you are looking for rapid results then engage yourself in high-activity sports racquetball, tennis, surfing and basketball.

2.    Skip Sodas

Skip sodas and high calorie sweetened beverages as alone they can help you to lose belly fat. The amount of calories you gain from beverages has been doubled over few years and contributes apparently to bigger waistlines.

What to do?

Substitute artificially sweetened beverages of water with pure fruit juice or unsweetened tea with at least 80% water.

3.    Skip Diet Sodas too

Cut off diet sodas too. Researchers proved that consumption of diet sodas increases waist. Wide use of non-caloric sweeteners in diet beverages makes it harder to control food intake and body weight. A case study proved that people who drink diet soda have relevantly high percentage of belly fat as compared to those who don’t use diet soda.

What to do?

Don’t think that drinking diet soda can help you to lose belly fat. Water or fresh juices can do this for you in a best way.

4.    Eat Protein

Protein is very effective against belly fat. Consuming high quality protein helps to decrease stubborn belly fat. Body needs more calories to digest protein which automatically results in reducing belly fat. Animal protein helps to build muscles and reduces the risk belly fat gain.

What to do?

Increase your protein intake. Try to consume health protein like eggs, poultry, red meat and skinless chicken. If you like vegetables then try to use complete protein sources like beans, rice, buckwheat, quinoa and chickpeas.

5.    Eat Health Fats

(MUFAs) monounsaturated fatty acids are decent choice to prevent belly fat. People that got about 25% of daily calories from MUFAs are likely to gain less visceral fat and who consumed low MUFAs with more carbs don’t gain belly fat. Medium chain fatty acids are metabolized in a different way than the longer chain fats. MCTS reaches directly to liver from digestive tract where it is immediately used as a source of energy. One of the richest sources of MCTs is coconut oil that can help to reduce waist circumference and belly fat.

What to you?

Olive, nuts and avocado oils are rich in MUFA. Use olive oil in salads and coconut oil for cooking. Replace unhealthy snacks with nuts. Add a tablespoon of coconut oil to morning oats.

6.    Be Careful about Carbs

Low-carbs diets are one of the best and effective ways to target your belly fat. Studies have proved that modern carbs reduction for eight weeks results in gaining 11% less deep abdominal fat as compared to low fat diet.
What to do?

Remove all refined carbs like white flour and white sugar. Also reduce unrefined carbs intake. Be careful about far free labeled carbohydrate products as they are not free from unhealthy fats.

7.    Eat more fiber

Soluble fiber is an effective fat reducing agent. Consuming 10 grams of soluble fiber per day can help you to reduce abdominal fat up to 3.7%.

What to do?

Oats is decent soluble fiber source. Try to start a day with rolled oats or add oat bran to morning cereal.

8.    Stay away from yo-yo diets

Regaining weight after losing it is known as weight cycling or yo-yo diet and make it harder to lose weight after such gains. Yo-yo diet increase LPL (Lipoprotein Lipase) an enzyme that clears fat out of the blood stream. LPL is normally active in the abdominal area.

What to do?

Regular exercise reduces the high LPL levels that results from yo-yo diet. Don’t stop exercise routine as LPL reduce can take some time to normalize.

9.    French Fries and Potato Crisps

Do you know in four years you can gain 2lbs of belly fat by eat potato chips daily and 3.3lbs of French fries?

What to do?

Try to take healthier snacks like berries and nut rather than potato chips. Salad is the best alternate with your meal for French fries.

10.    Sleep is Vital

If you are sleeping for five hours or less then you are going to gain visceral fat. An average sleep of eight hours is an ideal sleep to reduce belly fat. Less sleep increase appetite that results in over eating and leads to gain belly fat.

What to do?

Select a dark noise free room to take a sound sleep. Don’t use cell phones, tablets, laptops, television because the blue-rays used in such machines kill sleeping hormones which leads you to sleeplessness and diseases like depression and weight gain.



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