Monday, 19 December 2016

7 Proven Ways to Boost Testosterone Hormones

The testosterone hormone is associated with manhood mainly. Most people love to use Testosterone pills UK to boost the testosterone levels in their body for various reasons. Testicles are responsible for producing this important hormone in men. It is rightly said that the hormone plays a significant role in developing reproduction and male sexuality. The testosterone hormone also promotes the secondary sexual characteristics and intercourse, muscle growth, bone density, increasing red blood cells and above all libido. The production is at its peak when we reach puberty and starts to become slow after mid-thirties. The purpose of this article is to share natural ways to increase testosterone hormone in the body. 

1.    Weight Reduction

Getting rid of extra body weight is useful to improve testosterone levels gradually. The point was produced in research conducted by Endocrine Society in 2012. The production of testosterone remains slow in obese men which means one must reduce to increase the production. To lose weight you need to eliminate processed sugar from the regular diet. The abundance of fructose and sugar are leading factors in causing obesity. So you must eliminate sugar rich foods from everyday diets such as processed foods, fruit juices, and healthy sweeteners. Consume maximum 26 grams of fructose daily. The rule applies to the fruits too. Besides these things, you should also strictly cut grains and raw milk as the milk contains lactose which enhances the resistance to the insulin. The carbohydrate which is refined and present in cereals, waffles, and processed foods break down the sugar elevate the insulin level. Replacing such foods with available healthy alternatives such as vegetables and healthy fats can be very useful for overall health. The body requires the carbohydrate of micronutrient-dense vegetables, not from grains as it restrains their conversion to simple sugar forms like glucose. It reduces the weight rapidly.

2.    Consume More Zinc

Zinc plays a significant role in testosterone production. If you are suffering from low T-levels, using, zinc rich diet or supplements can amazingly improve your testosterone levels. Less zinc ratio leads to low testosterone production. Zinc is commonly available in protein-rich foods such as raw milk, meat products, fish, and beans. Due to the change in traditional methods of farming, now it is tough for vegetarians to obtain zinc. The soil has been diminished of the nutrients that plants used to absorb. Preparing food in various ways is another prime reason by which we have deprived ourselves of nutrients. Overcooking the foods limits the level of nutrients such as zinc. Using zinc supplements is an efficient way of receiving zinc but don’t exceed the amount than 40mg per day (this is the maximum limit for a normal adult). Increased zinc intake can affect the body’s ability to assimilate minerals such as copper properly and can cause nausea. 

3.    Intense Physical Activity

Beside various exercises such as the Peak Fitness, strength training is familiar to increase testosterone levels. The exercise with slow movement is the one with high intensity. The slow movement allows the muscles to utilize the cross-bridges between the filaments of the protein which promotes the muscle movements. The exercise not only keeps your testosterone level high but also prevents from diseases caused by lifestyles. Remember all exercises are not useful for losing weight, but ones like the weight training and lifting with high intensity reduces the weight. 

4.    Consume Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a steroid hormone which is necessary for the healthy formation of the nucleus of the sperm cells. It is also vital for maintaining the count and quality of the semen. This vitamin is very useful in improving testosterone levels that enhance libido functioning. Exposure to the sun is also an efficient and natural way to increase vitamin D in the body. The skin should be exposed to sunlight until it turns brown. A safe tanning bed can be used as an alternative if sunlight is not available. An oral supplement with vitamin D3 is also very useful. An average adult can take about 8500 IU of vitamin D per day comfortably. 

5.    Stress Reduction

When a person suffers from the stressful condition, the body releases cortisol in the high amount which is the stress hormone. Biological studies proved that this hormone causes hinders the testosterone effect. The chronic stress and elevated cortisol level mean the effect of testosterone has been blocked. There are various ways to reduce stress levels. EFT which is similar to acupuncture without any needles and hands-free tool which unloads the emotional baggage painlessly and rapidly. Prayer, laughter, meditation, deep breathing, yoga and positive visualization are few useful tools to reduce the stress. 

6.    Consume Healthy Fats

For the healthy life, consuming poly-saturated fats and monosaturated fats are not important but also saturated fats are also vital for promoting testosterone levels. Studies proved that diet with less than 40% fat from animal sources and saturated in nature causes the reduction in testosterone levels. The diet must be composed of 70% healthy fats. However, it is significant to know about your body needs of saturated fats of vegetables and animal sources. Coconut oil, palm oil, butter, olive oil and dairy products are best healthy fat sources.

7.    Get Proper Rest

Just like diet intake and exercise, sleep is also essential for maintaining good health. A quality sleep has the very pleasant effect on the production of testosterone levels. It is proper sleep that differs one from another. A recent health research found that about five hours sleep per night reduces the testosterone levels up to fifteen percent. Just imagine what is happening with people that are getting less than four hours sleep? A sleep of every extra hour adds to the testosterone levels. Health experts from all over the world recommend that a person should sleep for about seven to ten hours every night. Sleeplessness is also linked with overeating which leads to weight gain and as a result the levels of testosterone reduce in the body. Try to adapt proper sleeping routine in a dark room with no other disturbance.

Motivational Quote

Friday, 16 December 2016

A Simple Guide to Get Six Pack Abs Fast

A ripped six-pack physique is top priority of every fitness enthusiast. Getting ripped is simple with steroids for abs in fast and safe way. Many people want to gain shredded six packs by doing tons of crunches a day. If you are looking to get such fitness goal, remove fat and tone up the hidden muscles to reveal the attractive six pack abs, this article will help you to reach there.

1.    Load up on protein

Protein is the prime lean muscle building macro-nutrient that helps to burn fat also. Improve protein intake in routine diet up to 1.5 gram per pound of your body weight. Lean beef, skinless chicken and 6-ournce portion of fish is very reasonable for meals.

2.    Post Workout Carbs

Try to consume moderate amount of carbs. 1-2 cups of vegetables is vital with each meal. Brown rice, oatmeal and sweet potatoes are very effective for getting six pack abs when consumed post-workout.

3.    Eliminate Bad Fat

Bad fats are very hard to remove when consumed on regular basis. Adding good facts like raw nuts, fish oil, olive oil and nut butter to improve the six pack effect.

4.    Drink Maximum Water

Water is essential for burning excessive body fat as it removes the toxins from body. Drinking proper amount of water improves body metabolism which is very handy for getting six pack abs. Eliminate all processed drinks like flavored juices and soda as they are rich in sugar.

5.    Smart Snacks

Greek Yogurt, handful of nuts, protein shake, chicken breast or a stick of string cheese are good options for smart snacks. They can be used an hour before and immediately after training session. You want 15-20 grams of protein with 200-300 calories in each serving.

Five Golden Rules

  1. Eat like you are king in breakfast, prince in afternoon and pauper in evening.
  2. Drink 3-4 liters of water every day with six small meals to maintain your blood sugar level steady.
  3. Consume at-least 150 gram protein each day from eggs, milk, pulses, tofu, chicken, turkey, lean red meat and fish. Human body uses 20% to 30% more energy to digest protein as compared to carbohydrates.
  4. Don’t last more than three hours without food as the body restrains its caloric-burning capacity.
  5. Never snack after 11pm.

Cardio is Important

  • Running at 8mph effectively boosts body metabolism up to 13.5X.
  • 90 minutes of cycling in routine at moderate speed helps to burn 1000 calories.
  • Skipping is an effective cardio exercise to burn 11 calories per minute.
  • High intensity interval training is useful to burn body fat for twenty four hours post workout.

Lift Heavier Weights

Mix up

  • Compound, multi joint, entire body movements promote maximum fat loss and improve muscle gains. Combine crunches, sit-ups, and plank and bicycle crunches to blast your entire core.
  • Change your position and weight too rather than reps in order to enhance difficulty.

Compound Exercise

Add dead lifts, dumbbell lunges and barbell squats to gym routine.

Get Quality Sleep

Sleeping less than normal is one of the prime reasons of overeating. Harvard researchers found that people with less than 5 hours sleep at night gains 5-6 pounds more than people with normal (seven) hours sleep. Don’t use tablets, laptops or television after going to bed because rays used in such accessories kills sleeping hormones which leads to sleeplessness. Use seasonal water and a cup of chamomile tea before sleeping.

Stay Motivated

Set goals like working out for three or four days a week consistently. Rather than to perform crunches consistently, incorporate ab workouts. Be consistent with your workouts and diet routine to get six pack abs first.

Bodybuilding Motivation

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Top 10 Proven Ways To Help Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat

Belly or visceral fat is the basic cause of various diseases and affects your personality badly. The best solution to remove stubborn belly fat is Winstrol UK which has been approved by health and fitness experts. Belly fat is associated with metabolic syndrome, heart diseases, type 2 diabetes and many other things. Researchers also found that such fat tissue produces hormone which is responsible for extreme hunger. In this article you will find 10 proven ways to help reduce stubborn belly fat effectively.

1.    Everyday Exercise

Reducing abdominal fat needs more than mere cutting calories. Everyday exercise is an effective way to get rid or maintain belly fat. Routine exercise can minimize the inflammation in belly fat without changing in your diet. Exercise is also an effective way to prevent regaining abdominal fat.

What to do?

There are number of moderate aerobic activities you can enjoy like walking, running, cycling, swimming, climbing etc. If you are looking for rapid results then engage yourself in high-activity sports racquetball, tennis, surfing and basketball.

2.    Skip Sodas

Skip sodas and high calorie sweetened beverages as alone they can help you to lose belly fat. The amount of calories you gain from beverages has been doubled over few years and contributes apparently to bigger waistlines.

What to do?

Substitute artificially sweetened beverages of water with pure fruit juice or unsweetened tea with at least 80% water.

3.    Skip Diet Sodas too

Cut off diet sodas too. Researchers proved that consumption of diet sodas increases waist. Wide use of non-caloric sweeteners in diet beverages makes it harder to control food intake and body weight. A case study proved that people who drink diet soda have relevantly high percentage of belly fat as compared to those who don’t use diet soda.

What to do?

Don’t think that drinking diet soda can help you to lose belly fat. Water or fresh juices can do this for you in a best way.

4.    Eat Protein

Protein is very effective against belly fat. Consuming high quality protein helps to decrease stubborn belly fat. Body needs more calories to digest protein which automatically results in reducing belly fat. Animal protein helps to build muscles and reduces the risk belly fat gain.

What to do?

Increase your protein intake. Try to consume health protein like eggs, poultry, red meat and skinless chicken. If you like vegetables then try to use complete protein sources like beans, rice, buckwheat, quinoa and chickpeas.

5.    Eat Health Fats

(MUFAs) monounsaturated fatty acids are decent choice to prevent belly fat. People that got about 25% of daily calories from MUFAs are likely to gain less visceral fat and who consumed low MUFAs with more carbs don’t gain belly fat. Medium chain fatty acids are metabolized in a different way than the longer chain fats. MCTS reaches directly to liver from digestive tract where it is immediately used as a source of energy. One of the richest sources of MCTs is coconut oil that can help to reduce waist circumference and belly fat.

What to you?

Olive, nuts and avocado oils are rich in MUFA. Use olive oil in salads and coconut oil for cooking. Replace unhealthy snacks with nuts. Add a tablespoon of coconut oil to morning oats.

6.    Be Careful about Carbs

Low-carbs diets are one of the best and effective ways to target your belly fat. Studies have proved that modern carbs reduction for eight weeks results in gaining 11% less deep abdominal fat as compared to low fat diet.
What to do?

Remove all refined carbs like white flour and white sugar. Also reduce unrefined carbs intake. Be careful about far free labeled carbohydrate products as they are not free from unhealthy fats.

7.    Eat more fiber

Soluble fiber is an effective fat reducing agent. Consuming 10 grams of soluble fiber per day can help you to reduce abdominal fat up to 3.7%.

What to do?

Oats is decent soluble fiber source. Try to start a day with rolled oats or add oat bran to morning cereal.

8.    Stay away from yo-yo diets

Regaining weight after losing it is known as weight cycling or yo-yo diet and make it harder to lose weight after such gains. Yo-yo diet increase LPL (Lipoprotein Lipase) an enzyme that clears fat out of the blood stream. LPL is normally active in the abdominal area.

What to do?

Regular exercise reduces the high LPL levels that results from yo-yo diet. Don’t stop exercise routine as LPL reduce can take some time to normalize.

9.    French Fries and Potato Crisps

Do you know in four years you can gain 2lbs of belly fat by eat potato chips daily and 3.3lbs of French fries?

What to do?

Try to take healthier snacks like berries and nut rather than potato chips. Salad is the best alternate with your meal for French fries.

10.    Sleep is Vital

If you are sleeping for five hours or less then you are going to gain visceral fat. An average sleep of eight hours is an ideal sleep to reduce belly fat. Less sleep increase appetite that results in over eating and leads to gain belly fat.

What to do?

Select a dark noise free room to take a sound sleep. Don’t use cell phones, tablets, laptops, television because the blue-rays used in such machines kill sleeping hormones which leads you to sleeplessness and diseases like depression and weight gain.



Tuesday, 29 November 2016

10 Proven Ways To Boost Your Metabolism for Rapid Weightloss

Metabolism is process occurs in the body to keep human body alive. Weight loss can be very comfortable with Clenbuterol UK which is also known as wonder weight loss pill in fitness world. Nowadays metabolism is synonymous for metabolic rate that is the amount of calories burned. Higher metabolism refers to maximum calories burning. Higher metabolism is also known for losing rapid weight. Age, gender, size and genetic all play their role in metabolism but there are certain proven ways to keep it active and also to control it. In this article, I am going to share 10 scientifically proven ways to boost your metabolism and help you in maintaining ideal body by burning maximum calories.

1.    High Gear Internal Training Workouts are best

Regular aerobic exercise is good idea to keep metabolism active but if you want rapid results then try high intensity interval training. It is up to you whether you are going to sign up for HIIT class or change your usual aerobic exercise way. Interval training is the best fat-burning workout. You may hate such type of workouts at the beginning but you after observing boosted metabolism results you are surely going to thank for it later.

What to do?

Increase at-least 30 seconds interval of high speed after routine running or biking routine after period of rest. Trying this from six to ten times during your workouts can help you improve the intensity and time.

2.    Green Tea is very Effective to Boost Metabolism

Green tea has been used for medicinal causes from ancient times. Catechin, an anti-oxidant present in the green tea releases fat from fat cells and increase the body rate to convert fat into energy. Green tea has proved that it can boost body metabolism from 5 10 17 times.

What to do?

Take at-least 1 or 2 cups of green tea daily, preferably at morning. You can begin your day with right foot by getting hydrated properly and a small amount of caffeine aid you get the day started. Natural green tea is most effective of all and if you add half lemon to single cup, it will boost up the result for sure.

3.    Never Ever Skip Breakfast

Night is a gap of fast for 9-12 hours. When you wake up at morning, you must wake up your metabolism too. Health researchers have proved that skipping meals especially breakfast can lead you to become obese. A recent research proved that people that skip breakfast are more likely to suffer from diabetes. In simple words skipping breakfast can slow down your metabolism and as a result your body will gain weight rather than to lose it. Protein rich breakfast is one the best way to start your day with maximum energy.

What to do?

Always start your day with an omelet or some nutrient rich oatmeal. Whole grains are best in the morning as they provide long lasting energy and help to feel fuller for long time.

4.    Eat Maximum Protein

Eating food in routine improve metabolism for few hours bur protein rich diet is the most effective one to boost it. It is due to the fact that food needs extra calories to digest, absorb and process the meal which is also known as thermic effect of food (TEF). Protein can boost metabolism from 15 to 30 percent and as result you will eat less. So it means if you increase the amount of protein your diet then you can effectively boost your metabolism.

What to do?

If your plate has four quadrants then ¼ of the plate must be a protein food such as legumes, fish or meat. Remember one thing if you regularly perform 30 or more minutes exercise in routine then surely needs more protein.

5.    Proper Sleep is Important

If you are looking to increase metabolism then you must sleep for eight hours at night. Deprivation from sleep can cause slow metabolism which can lead you to fat gain. Sleep deprivation increases the hunger hormone known as “ghrelin whereas also decrease the fullness hormone “leptin”. It results in more hunger, over eating and gaining weight. A good sleep at night is very important for improving body metabolism. 

What to do?

Make proper sleeping schedule at night. Take you dinner, shower (seasonal), read book and go to bed. Repeat this to make it easier for your body to fall asleep. Remember one thing that don’t watch television, use laptop or phone at bed as they are the prime reasons of sleeplessness.

6.    Drink More Water

Human body is composed of almost 60% of water. Drinking water is one of the simplest ways to burn calories, speed up digestion and boost metabolism. Recommended amount is 8-12 glass per day and drinking more than that will not hurt indeed. Studies have proved that drinking 6 glass of cold water improves your resting metabolism and helps you to lose 5 pounds a year. It may sound odd but just drinking water can give you a gift. There are two prime benefits of drinking water. The first is human body burn more calories by raising its temperature and the other one is water fills you up, decrease hunger and make you eat less. Water is the basic necessity of life and significant aspect to boost metabolism for weight loss.

What to do?

Drinking water in the morning may be useful but it may cause pain in bones. If you don’t want to does this then try to include water rich foods such as cucumber or celery. You can also add some fruits to water for extra flavor. Tea or other drinks can also provide needed water to stay hydrated but not coffee as it will dehydrate your body.

7.    Pump Some Iron

Dumbbells and dead lifts are very effective. Muscle weighs more than fat and are more metabolically active than fat. Do you know every muscle of your body need to use six calories everyday to stay alive? Putting a little muscle mass will not only boost up the resting metabolism but also give you a learner look. Strength training two or three days a week for just half an hour can be very effective to raise the resting metabolism. Try to add some weights with interval trainings in routine.

What to do?

Do at-least two day strength training in a week. You can perform great workouts with minimal equipments at gym, home or park. You can also join workout class for extra motivation.

8.    Smart Snacking

Three meals a day are great but often we feel hungry between them. Rather than to grab doughnuts etc try to keep healthy snacks like apples, fruits, nuts, nut bars, bananas or some other things for feeding hunger. It will keep body metabolism active instead of nose-diving when your body is low on fuel. Snacking between meals curbs hunger and result in consuming fewer calories during the day. It prevents insulin spikes, stabilizes blood sugar levels and improves overall metabolism.

What to do?

Always keep some snacks in the bag, desk or in car where you find it comfortable at hunger. Smart snack choices include nuts, fruits and veggies. You can keep nuts in the car and fruits like orange and apples in your bag easily.

9.    Spice it up

Start with your tongue to burn calories. Cayenne, hot sauce and chilies contains capsaicin that can aid in boosting metabolism. Add some red chilies to your pasta or throw some cayenne to your soup to spice it up. You can burn almost 10 calories with every meal by doing so. Adding a little fiery flavor to your food can quickly boost your metabolism. If you don’t like spicy taste then there are various non-spicy peppers with di-hydocapsiate (DCT) that can provide same effect.

What to do?

Try to spice up regular dishes with some peppers. Pasta, sauces, eggs and other can be spiced up with cayenne. If you not used to spicy foods then try a dash of Tabasco on beans or eggs to get similar results.

10.    Avoid Late Night Eating

Often it happens that we grab some burgers or sandwiches to sooth our late night hunger. This is one of the prime reasons of gaining weight because it slows down body’s metabolism. Try to eat at-least two to three hours before going to bed. This will not only help your body to digest dinner but also promote healthy digestion by boosting metabolism. Sleeping with full stomach can lead to various gastrological problems and other diseases.

What to do?

Take your dinner 2-3 hours before going to bed. If possible take a cup of green tea with half lemon to boost metabolism.

Most people struggle to lose weight but rather than to crash diet or other things change your habits to change your body. It’s not about less eating but bout proper eating. You can comfortably improve metabolism and lose weight by following the simple 10 steps mentioned above. Remember the healthier you are the wealthier you are. Don’t waiting for tomorrow, start it right now. 

10 Ways to Reduce Body Fat

Sunday Workout